SIMDA means for Accreditation Data Management Information System or Sistem Informasi Manajemen Data Akreditasi in Indonesian which was created to facilitate accreditation data management in the management department of the Faculty of Economics, Sriwijaya University. The project was designed, worked on and completed in 2019. However, it wasn’t until October and November 2020 that the application was used for the first online visitation of the Masters in Management Science study program.
What I Did?
- Build an accreditation data management information system website based from scratch that have features:
- CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Data
- Education Level
- Document
- Borang and Sub Borang
- Supporting Data
- Information Management System website link
- Video Documentation
- Lecturer Curriculum Vitae which contain about education level, research, community service, supporting activity, books, intellectual property rights and organizational membership
- User: Assessor, Dean Faculty, Vice Dean Faculty, Head of Program, Secretary of Program, Lecturer, and Program Administration.
- Total Data for each CRUD parts
- CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Data
- Setup and deploy the website in shared hosting with cPanel.
Technology / Skill
- Codeigniter 3
- MySQLi
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- Bootstrap
- JavaScript
- jQuery